Saturday, December 29, 2012

Woman Charged in New York Firefighter Slayings

The freak had a little help. 
On Friday, state and federal authorities charged the woman who bought the guns, 24-year-old Dawn Nguyen, with lying on a form that said she would be the owner of the guns she bought for Spengler.
The charges involve the semiautomatic rifle and the 12-gauge shotgun that Spengler had with him Monday when volunteer firefighters Michael Chiapperini and Tomasz Kaczowka were gunned down. Three other people, including two other firefighters, were wounded before the 62-year-old Spengler killed himself. He also had a .38-caliber revolver, but Nguyen is not connected to that gun, police said.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Great Thomas Sowell

If I were rich, I would have a plaque made up, and sent to every judge in America, bearing a statement made by Adam Smith more than two and a half centuries ago: "Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent."

Friday, December 21, 2012


I'm obviously a fan of Mayan architecture. I don't think they actually predicted the end of the world would happen today. Did love this graphic though

The best single way

"The single best way to respond to a mass shooter is with an immediate, violent response. The vast majority of the time, as soon as a mass shooter meets serious resistance, it bursts their fantasy world bubble. Then they kill themselves or surrender. This has happened over and over again."

via Instapundit

Thursday, December 20, 2012

RID President appears to have lost her mind

"RID (Remove Intoxicated Drivers) has been advocating a technical solution to thwart these police chases by inserting a computer chip that would allow a police officer to stop a car from speeding or other criminal activity by pressing a button on a wand while pointing it at the vehicle.
If this technology were required by law, police could stop those who steal cars, kidnap children or drive drunk.
Why can't this technology be mandated just like car insurance, seat belts, air bags and car seats for children?"

Read more:

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Capital my good man

From Michael Goodwin's column in the NY Post
“Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse.”

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Climate change = racism?

From Pirates Cove
No, what Warmists need to do is to move away from their 20 year notion of spreading awareness, and show us the way by changing their own lives. Because the rest of us who live in Reality Land refuse to do so, nor let you wackjobs pass legislation, because the climate is always changing. Right now the Earth is in a long term warm period, which followed a cool period, with a period that was warmer than today before that, then a cool period, then a much warmer period, and so forth. During this warm period we’ve seen short term climates occur: hotter than today in the 30′s, cool from the 40′s-70′s, a warm period from 1980-1997, then a stagnant period since. Anecdotal evidence from a storm like Sandy is not scientific proof that Mankind is changing the climate.

Read the whole thing.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Found at never yet melted

QOTD - Robert Samuelson

"public-sector employment grows only when government claims some private-sector income to pay its workers. Government is not creating jobs. It's substituting public-sector workers for private-sector workers."

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Timeless from Klavan

Shut Up

The night before the election a Treacher was stirring


Treacher's retort is hysterical

No slur goes unmentioned, no talking point skipped,
Just pack all that crap in a four-minute script.
And using a child for political gain?
It’s as if the left has no concept of shame.
Just kidding, you wingnuts, you baggers of tea.
You must not be fans of adept irony!
The truth is so clear that you might as well face it:
If you vote for Romney, you’re just a damn racist.
Then we heard Sam exclaim as he soared out of view:
“Free stuff from Obama! Don’t like it? F*** you!”
read the whole thing

Read more:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Obamacare in one sentence

[Dr. Barbara Bellar]
So let me get this straight. (This is a long sentence.)
We’re going to be gifted with a healthcare plan we are forced to purchase, and fined if we don’t, which puportedly covers at least 10 million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a congress that didn’t read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a president who smokes, with funding (laughing & applause) same sentence – with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, for which we will be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted social security and medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese and (laughing & applause) and financed by a country that’s broke. (laughing & applause)
So, what the blank (laughing & applause) could possibly go wrong?

Friday, August 24, 2012

AIP - Arrogant, ignorant and petulant

I'm so sick and tired of progs postings on the Times Union blogs. I've come up with an acronym for them AIP - Arrogant, ignorant and petulant. It fits perfectly.