Saturday, November 30, 2013

QOTD - Greg Mankiw

"Trickle-down" is not a theory but a pejorative used by those on the left to describe a viewpoint they oppose.

Monday, November 18, 2013

That Henry Ford story you heard was bunk

The reason for the pay rise was not as some of our contemporaries seem to think it was. It was nothing at all to do with creating a workforce that could afford to buy the products. It was to cut the turnover and training time of the labour force: for, yes, in certain circumstances, raising wages can reduce total labour costs.

Tim Worstall in Forbes

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

QOTD - Brad Lomborg in the WSJ

Subsidizing first-generation, inefficient green energy might make well-off people feel good about themselves, but it won't transform the energy market.
Green-energy initiatives must focus on innovations, making new generations of technology work better and cost less. This will eventually power the world in a cleaner and cheaper way than fossil fuels. That effort isn't aided by the perpetuation of myths.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

QOTD - Ed Crane

There are two types of human beings: people who want to interfere in the way other people live their lives, and people who are content to mind their own business.  Which type of people do you think go into politics?

h/t Cafe Hayek

Monday, October 21, 2013

QOTD - William F. Buckley

"There shouldn't be tax exemptions for anybody or anything. Not for the little church around the corner, not for Harvard University, not for the Olympic Laser Sailboat Committee. That position is so defensible as to be my own: The Government should stop using tax policy to encourage or discourage particular activities."
William F. Buckley, 1988 column, reprinted in Happy Days Were Here Again

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

And you sir, you're an idiot!

Odd Couple, Roy Clark as guest star.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

QOTD - Via Taki: What the Arab world needs is capitalism, not democracy, Fraser Nelson wrote.

What the Arab world needs is capitalism, not democracy, Fraser Nelson wrote.

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Friday, May 17, 2013

QOTD - Owned

The Frackenator says:
“Apparently there are Sheriffs who are OWNED by the Gun Industry”
Yes, Sheriffs are owned by the Gun Industry.
People who advocate for Fracking are owned by Big Oil.
People who are skeptical of Global Warming are owned by the Energy Industry.
And Enviromentalists are owned by ????

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Skeptic's Case - Dr. David M.W. Evans

"We check the main predictions of the climate models against the best and latest data. Fortunately the climate models got all their major predictions wrong. Why? Every serious skeptical scientist has been consistently saying essentially the same thing for over 20 years, yet most people have never heard the message. Here it is, put simply enough for any lay reader willing to pay attention."

H/T William Teach at the Pirates Cove

Global warmists always want to argue about CO2 contributing to rising temperatures  but skeptics don't argue that point. The argue about the feedback assumptions in the models that are not panning out as the extremists would prefer.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

QOTD - Steven Landsburg

The minimum wage is nothing but a huge off-the-books tax paid by a small group of people, with all the proceeds paid out as the equivalent of welfare to a different small group of people. If a tax-and-spend program that arbitrary were spelled out explicitly, voters would recoil. How unfortunate that when it is disguised as a minimum wage, not even our Republican president can manage to muster a principled objection.

see also:

Friday, February 15, 2013

QOTD - Mark Perry

I’ve found that somebody’s position on the minimum wage is a pretty good “litmus test” of a person’s ability to understand basic economic principles and think logically.  Those who support increases in the minimum wage demonstrate their inability to think clearly, logically and rationally, and their inability to understand basic economic theory.  Supporters of the minimum wage embrace emotional “thinking” over truly rational thinking, and generally therefore really can’t be taken seriously.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

QOTD Jeff Jacoby

American conservatism didn't arise from a yearning to conform to public opinion. Its raison d'ĂȘtre was to defend constitutional liberty and economic opportunity – free men and free markets – and to make the case that human dignity and prosperity flourish not when government is all-powerful, but when it is limited.

It’s an adult show.

CBS defends 'Criminal Minds' against violence slam

“It’s a much-maligned show,” Tassler said of Minds. “I happen to enjoy the show. It’s not for everybody. It’s an adult show. It’s a suspense thriller. And within that it’s also a character crime procedural. It’s given an appropriate rating. I don’t let my [14-year-old] kid watch it. I do. It’s a genre show … I think we’re making a huge mistake — and I’d say it to Bob to his face — to let any of the [violence] conversation devolve into ‘my show vs. your show.’ This is a much bigger issue.”

CM is one of the very few shows I watch on TV. It hasn't inspired me to commit any violent acts.

What is wrong with people?

7 men gang rape bus passenger in India

New Delhi, India (CNN) -- In an incident eerily similar to a sexual assault that sent shock waves worldwide, Indian police say a woman was gang-raped over the weekend by seven men after she boarded a bus at night.
Police arrested six suspects, including the bus driver, after the alleged Friday night attack in Gurdaspur district in Punjab.
A manhunt for the other man was under way Sunday.
Just like a gang rape in New Delhi that sparked international outrage last month, the new attack occurred after the woman got on a bus.