Saturday, November 3, 2012

Climate change = racism?

From Pirates Cove
No, what Warmists need to do is to move away from their 20 year notion of spreading awareness, and show us the way by changing their own lives. Because the rest of us who live in Reality Land refuse to do so, nor let you wackjobs pass legislation, because the climate is always changing. Right now the Earth is in a long term warm period, which followed a cool period, with a period that was warmer than today before that, then a cool period, then a much warmer period, and so forth. During this warm period we’ve seen short term climates occur: hotter than today in the 30′s, cool from the 40′s-70′s, a warm period from 1980-1997, then a stagnant period since. Anecdotal evidence from a storm like Sandy is not scientific proof that Mankind is changing the climate.

Read the whole thing.

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