Monday, August 18, 2014

HRC - Lord helps us avoid her as President via ASHQ

Legendarily Entitled Politician Has Rock-Star Demands In Speaking Engagement Contracts


* $225,000
* a private jet to ferry her hither and yon
* the "presidential suite" at a local hotel of her choosing
* the guarantee that nothing she says will be recorded by any means, video or audio, and that the only record of her appearance will be a stenographer's transcription
I think the reason for that last one is that she doesn't want video of her speeches getting out and thereby ruining the Money Farm that is her public speaking business.
Because I don't think any of her speeches are new. I think she's giving these people basically the same canned speech, with a couple of paragraphs about some timely event. But mostly, just the same damn speech every time, at $225,000 per.
So what are these people actually paying for if they're just getting her canned campaign speech?
Seems to me they're not getting a speech -- they're getting an access. And, of course, they're getting a legal means of donating cash money to Hillary directly.

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